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tv   [untitled]    November 26, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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the ongoing fury over president mohamed morsi is sweeping new powers in egypt claims its first lives as the leader meets with the key critics of his power grab the country's senior judges. separatist sentiment dominates and sprains richest region catalonia has pro independence parties with a majority of parliamentary seats possibly paving the way for a referendum. releases a new book urging internet users around the globe to stand up against in slave meant by governments.
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on their online life from a new center here in moscow this is egypt's president is making steps towards a compromise and has met with senior judges outraged at the seizure of power which has made his decisions untouchable it comes as the first blood in clashes over mohamed morsi as controversial decrees spilled a teenage supporter of the muslim brotherhood which stands behind the president has been killed in violent protests another man died overnight after have been critically injured in fighting a top tier square last week thousands of taking to the streets for his funeral procession in downtown cairo a journalist bill true has been following events. we've seen very heavy handed tactics from the police we see that excessive use of tear gas and you see the use of birdshot bullets should be given quite severe injuries to face the stomach pools of light i mean issues from the police and this is really not showing any sign of stopping anytime soon we still mind it clashes happening literally just behind me
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on tahrir square as the sit in which is called by opposition forces continue as they say they will not leave until morsy backs down from his contentious contradictory which awards sweeping power. including power over the judiciary makes all these declarations and decrease immune to appeal by anybody or by any means definitely this is unprecedented in terms of unification if the liberal leftist forces the we've seen some of the former presidential candidates like coming to bob he commented about her day coming together and she's a booming economy and to save egypt they say so we're really seeing quite a strong i mean from the opposition forces more of course we'll see even more protests by the opposition forces who are planning a million man march is really really unifying in addition we had quite dramatic scenes in the journalists in the kit yesterday i mean the generalists were rising up against they said declaration which they see to be oppressive in addition the judiciary as well have staged a partial strike so really we're seeing
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a country rising up against this president which could see see the scenes that we saw last year during january february president morsi has responded to these reactions from the opposition forces by saying that this decree would just be temporary and he's actually agreed to meet with the judiciary who are holding a possible strike however many see this to be not really enough of a measure. he's actually called protests tomorrow his brother that many people believe this will actually result in further violence on the streets. brotherhood supporters meet really people are asking for morsi to back down as his declaration that. which is really too strong to simply just say that is temporary people want to actually and and they want him to show signs of really being a democratic president rather than authoritarian dictator as he's proving to be. for analysis on the political turmoil gripping egypt i'm joined live by. the deputy
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editor in chief of egypt newspaper what with violence leading to loss of life in the streets president morsi says he's very optimistic about overcoming the crisis how's he going to do it. and she is me what was the last part of the question how is morsi going to overcome this crisis he says he's optimistic. well let me put it that way i mean before you aust the question how could the president feel optimistic about the future of this crisis we have to ask why the crisis was made up in the first place and i believe that the whole crisis was made up and even before the crisis target by the president taken this week which is which has been described as controversial. the thing is that many of the members of the court have been
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have been have gone public and talked about the. expected verdict which is expected to be past. december second about this whole thing the issue of council which is the upper house and also dissolving the commission draft in the constitution and also. declaring the presidential decree which was taken and made ogust last may the oldest about dismissing the skaf the military council as a partner in the ruling egypt. you know many of the members of the supreme court have been have gone public and talked about that that verdict which is which was about to be given on december second and by allowing the. supreme court to take such decisions and make such rulings that would be the egypt.
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vacuum a concrete vacuum of all the authorities. eliminating all the possible. of completing this this march for democracy now when the president took his the greek made used to greet he was trying to prevent a vacuum of political and legal vacuum in the country and trying to speed up the work of the commission drafting the constitution in order to have for the country to have a referendum as quickly as possible and with all that let me just ask you on the face of that trying to prevent a vacuum what is change we're seeing very similar scenes in cairo just before mubarak was deposed and now we're seeing exactly the same thing it seems that in some ways although he's saying he's trying to protect the revolution he's starting another one. there's no way to compare the situation now the situation with the situation during mubarak i mean there's
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a hell of difference between the two presidents the first was the dictator a fully fledged dictator he never. came out of democratic elections i mean we all know even the opposition leaders who were. just the other day were competing be a successful successfully elected president. all know that. elections were all rigged. so you're not going to have the time but life for a gyptian doesn't seem to be a lot different to what it was to my barracks time that last king for real social and economic changes these protests about the judiciary and about the decree or also of course about life for the egyptians are not they getting impatient that nothing has changed since mubarak has gone. well a lot of things change since mubarak has i mean if you don't consider the first i
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mean when we got the credit i mean bijections got the credit for a democratic a democratic elections for the president if you don't consider that as a major change political change in the history of the nation then what we're talking about i mean we're talking about democracy and democracy is about the rule of the majority and the majority. was the recognition the world international recognition have chosen that man to be responsible and in charge and to fill up the vacuum which has been existing in egypt for the last two years what do you expect from the god while you're talking about democracy really elected president somebody saying he's acting like a dictator what would you say to that. well if if if if man if a dictator wants to speed up the work of the commission drafting the result to the
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constitution and is aiming at speed to not be. to reinstate or reelect a democratically elected. parliament to give up the legs aleisha which was forced upon him by the staff then. it will become a dictator how do you want to see this is not the behavior over the. but what about his words of a dictator well no but he's imposing a decree now he's saying i'm going to compromise over this some would say this is a huge turn as he being pressured from the west as a result of this has he been influenced by the west to compromise to almost do a u. turn over this decree. now i couldn't get the question has he been a real reason why he has he been influenced in any way to make a compromise over this decree by outside powers beyond egypt. i guess. the only way that i see out of this crisis this made up crisis is to
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negotiate i mean before the presidential decrees the president had no bargaining chip was the competing and conflicting political powers he trying to negotiate them to take into the commission drafting there was a lucian being wouldn't be wouldn't want to to have a constitution as quickly as possible now bypassing or making or take in that presidential decree he's got a bargaining chip i would what i can see now is negotiations between the two parties or the parties concerned in return of the president backing off is do we believe it's only fair for the competing complex. political parties to make a commitment. britain commitment or i was the never talk to any commitments meant
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to carry on with the constitution ok just finally all the way out of this i mean you're saying there is a way out of the crisis and it will be resolved but will that mean the end to the protests in the streets that we're seeing in car and now just finally. again please will that be the end of protests in the streets of caro what's this crisis has been resolved as you predict. well let me put it that way if if the people the public on the streets because i'm not talking about the all the all the people on the streets many of them. being driven or misguided by some political competing political leaders and. if those people on the streets. took it that way i mean because the two choices either for nations to carry on growing old until they die out or to grow
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old along with growing up i mean for for for now so far i have seen a nation which is adamant because of the attitudes of the negative ads if you it's over it's competing political leaders adamant to carry on growing all the until dying out i believe that's the only way the only way out of this crisis and to carry on the march towards democracy as we all hope hand work for is to grow up rather than just to grow old and the only way to grow up is to finish this march to carry on was the march towards democracy democracy it's all about accepting the rule of majority through the ballot boxes that is the only way out of this crisis you have here and i am really interesting talking to you thank you very much indeed for joining us deputy editor in chief of egypt's newspaper thank you. independence part of what
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a parliamentary majority in spain's catalonia although the region's president is pushing for a referendum on breaking away from central government actually lost seats and now has to build a coalition and the spanish prime minister of repeatedly warned that separatism is against the constitution and reform the reports now from. the two biggest parties in the capital and parliament are now separatists and i think that does send out a very clear message to the spanish government people are unhappy at how the economy is being run in the stereotype measures they are now having to read your what small the unemployment rate here is like the national average people have demonstrated on the streets of barcelona against the cuts they've also turned out in four to the prime independents rally over one and a half million people turned out on the streets of barcelona for that back in september so the message is pretty clear and people do feel that they perhaps could do a better job of managing the economy themselves if they were their own independent state and the reason why perhaps they are safer straight is that the economy in
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catalonia is actually very wealthy it's a strong is portugal's but the fact is they give far more in taxes to the central government than they actually get back in terms of investment from madrid in things like schools and hospitals so the overall feeling is that they believe that separatism could well be the way forward after mass will have to try and fulfil his election promise of holding a referendum on independence from spain as you mentioned did not get an absolute majority so he will not be able to push this through straightaway but luckily for him the second biggest party that was voted him was also pro independence so the feeling is they will be able to negotiate and between them they will have enough power to push through this referendum but the biggest sticking point for this referendum is that it is against the spanish constitution some commentators are saying it could actually lead to the arrest of aftermath he tries to push it through the spanish prime minister matter and one hundred has also said. that said he would be desperate to keep hold of one of the country's wealth these regions of
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the time when he's also trying to stave off a european bailout so there are many factors here which mean that a referendum is not necessarily going to happen straight away said he will try and push the three during his next four days in office you can see that means that it's we can't expect this sort of thing to happen straightaway but even if it did those who are against separatism and this quite a number of them do point that if catalonia to withdraw from spain it might also have to draw back to the european union and then reapply for membership and that's not something many cats lands are happy about and if it did prove to be the case who knows many catalans might prefer the status quo. the co-author of putin mythologised new book released today reveals how all right freedom of the under attack and this story and more coming right up after the break.
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waves of corruption are rocking russia hundreds of millions of dollars vanished from apec building projects and russia's call not satellite project a real estate scandal has also led to the defense minister being fired note i said fire in russia we hear a lot about corruption scandals and the reaction is usually firing or a forced resignation and maybe that would be ok another country but russia has big dreams in a big country that has big corruption spoiling all of those dreams a country can't survive with every infrastructural or scientific project is so dry from within whether the government is unwilling or unable to sternly punish these offenders is a huge topic by could tell you that if there is no real fear of punishment this
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will just keep going on for perhaps this time to put a big asterisk for high level corruption next to the moratorium on the death penalty but that's just my opinion. is eve. in the. culture is that so much a lot of people at my area will balance it all for a difference a so-called war on drugs has been fought for decades few believers achieve much beyond horrific budgetary cost and extremely high levels of.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you. are is a big. blow
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to the. technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. live here in moscow he's holed up in the ecuadorian embassy in london and want to buy government in the west and whistle blower. is released a new book based on a part of his exclusive interview series for his demand for the freedom of cyberspace looks bound to cause a reaction or smith reports you may be wondering what has been doing so quit or an embassy for six months well now you can see for yourselves because he's been writing
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a book the text is largely based on the program he made an episode called the politics when he interviews history co-authors on a range of issues of bail and how to protect data copyrights in fourth meant this is in politics drones the list goes on but the authors are quick to point out it contains new material to schools the three. to base your standard google user who knows who your community is who you know what you're researching potentially your sexual orientation your clothes and more about you have found you know that you're so more than your mother it's a cozy called the station filmed with the full rights of a sitting in comfortable chair jeremy's the woman even says he insisted on a bottle of whiskey and some cigars to make the conversation flow more easily because it means nothing because of what is it that we have civilian lives we don't we don't see tanks coming into this maybe
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a special one hundred actually we most most people don't see tanks or bugs i mean to go around normally or even down there even down that road but now we take our personal lives and we put it all we put it all on facebook we communicate using we communicate using mobile phones which in our midst to the internet. and the military has control. of controls but the often mouth of the episode airing was far from comfortable for the cypherpunks and it's not seen as a coincidence following his apparent jeremy zimmerman was stopped at the airport while leaving the u.s. by two f.b.i. offices and interrogated about wiki leaks. and jacob appelbaum is no stranger to run ins with nor of force because of his involvement with julian assange since he represented wiki leaks at a two thousand and ten conference he's been repeatedly targeted agencies goes to
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court order for his twitter account seized a laptop a mobile phones and detained him no fewer than twelve times that the us border and also discussing the future of the internet how it can be safe for individuals and transparent governments and powerful institutions when my colleague spoke to one of the co-authors of the book jeremy zimmerman. technology by itself is neutral and the internet and digital technology could be turned either into the worst totalitarian machine for surveillance and control of the people or into a way of improving ourselves and improving our societies with better democratic participation and better access to culture and better sharing of knowledge between individuals much of people being monitored without their knowledge most people don't really know or don't really care that much about their personal data or their
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privacy because you realize the importance of personal data usually when you lose them but. moment of information that you give away to technical intermediaries of the internet such as google facebook is tremendous and what does aggregates of data will be used for in a few years is impossible to predict there are two zero technologies to protect yourself against snooping against wiretapping of your communications technology is widespread but not used enough you have to learn to use it it's an effort and people should know more about those issues let's talk about the book a little bit the book says the world now has to decide whether the internet will free us all in slave us is a situation really that serious yes it is raining creasing number of counties you can see the internet being used to control the individuals to censor people access
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to communication you can see governments turning the internet into a tool of control and this is a very disturbing trend indeed so how do we fight that government control. first of all we fight it by information by reading knowledge about technology by spreading knowledge about how or freedoms. attacked online whether they're attacked by governments or whether they are for commercial purposes by private entities by informing each other by sharing the knowledge we can build tools to collectively act two to participate in the public process to participate in the democratic process and then we can try to increase the political cost of taking this bad decisions that will lead to turning the internet into machine two to control the individual's. more news in thirty five minutes from now coming up
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very soon peter lavelle and his guest tackle the u.s. war on drugs and the latest across that mystery. after a short break. trimmings in this story even for specialists how a voice can produce several sounds it wants to do remains the art of throat singing comes naturally picked up like a language. a language of communicating with nature it said that's where throat singing originates from the unions believe not only animals but also all surrounding objects like reverse forests and defense don't have souls imitating the sounds they
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believe assumes to capture the power of nature. was. there are special instruments that accompany the singing give gainey says there is even a legend about his instrument a guilt it says it wants to live to poor shefford who had the best horse that won every competition but jealous people killed it on the course was revived as an instrument that those that have suffered a fall is because of the spirit of the horse going to his dream and said make an instrument from a tree the sounding board from the leather of my face the strings. and to remember me make an engraving of my head part of the instrument he did so i called the instrument again which means come back and this melody only instrument is called.
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to fly as one of the most famous groups in the republic their next goal is to tour peru and they say for you are a peon since difficult to pick up and saying so i ask them to teach me and see if i can do it little you cheer it up and they were. shero you stand out and that was sure to say can out who was you think gang are oh. but now it is the and rudy part of the song and not the actual throat singing which i wouldn't even try to repeat. so maybe you have to be born here to be able to sing like this i thought so until i met she looks like
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a deveny and i don't even speak their language but she is from japan. most s. to heart and mind so that you come from two hundred years ago until soppy here she's not planning a professional singing career but she keeps practicing just because it's become part of her nature. below and welcome to cross talk and people about the so-called war on drugs has been fought for decades if you believe it is achieved much beyond horrific budgetary causes and extremely high levels of incarceration in the us as well as the staggering death toll south of the border and some american states liberalized
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their drug laws is it time for the us as a whole to do the same. to cross out the war on drugs i'm joined by peter hack i'm in washington he's president emeritus and a senior fellow at the interim american dialogue and in boston we have kevin so bad he is director of the drug policy institute at the university of florida and a former white house senior adviser on drug policy are gentlemen cross-talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want to come and i am i to go to you i mean this talk about colorado is talking about washington i mean the perception outside of the united states is that the united states is legalizing it at home but continuing the war on drugs in mexico so how do you square the circle. well the i mean you know colorado and washington have votes but frankly federal law is still supreme in what federal laws said and this is what president obama.


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